About Us Film Visa

Film (F) visa for shooting of a feature film/ reality TV show and/ or commercial TV serials

The proposals regarding the shooting of a feature film or television/cinema and reality TV show/commercial TV serial will be processed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi.


Proposals regarding the shooting of a feature film or television/ cinema and reality TV show/ commercial TV serials will be processed in the Film Facilitation Office, National Film Development Corporation, New Delhi. Who will process the request and take a decision. The application is to be submitted online on www.ffo.gov.in The detailed sstep by step guide is available  on the website.

for further assistance please write to [email protected] 

After the shooting permission has been granted by the MoI&B, the cast and crew members of the approved project are required to apply for Film Visa.

Document Checklist

  • Duly filled up and printed copy of the Online Application Form (click here).
  • Valid Canadian/Foreign passport* (Original and Copy)
  • Proof of Address (Original and Copy)
  • Photograph (link)
  • Pre-approval from the Consulate.
  • Permission / Clearance of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India for shooting film in India
  • Letter from Film Production Company/organization for issue of Visa
  • fee (For Canadian nationals link) (For non-Canadian nationals link)



  1. For details about the above, please see the Information Booklet. Please go through all the details mentioned in the Checklist, Information Booklet and application form carefully before submitting the application.
  2. In case required, additional documents can be asked by the Consulate.
  3. While submitting the application, please keep the documents with the application form as per the above serial order.

Please refer the FAQs page for quries regarding the application process.

A foreign team may be allowed to shoot a feature film, wholly or partially, subject to the following conditions:-

  1. Four copies of the detailed shooting script in case of feature film and detailed concept in case of TV show/ TV serials, details of visiting film crew and location of film shooting shall be submitted by the foreign team to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for scrutiny and clearance. Copies can either be forwarded directly or through an Indian Mission abroad. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi may levy a fee for scrutiny of the application.
  2. The film has to be shot according to the script, as approved by the Government of India. In case any material deviation is considered necessary, prior permission of the Government of India has to be obtained by the foreign team.
  3. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting may will attach a liaison officer to the foreign team to assist them in the shooting. He/ she will stay and travel with the team. The actual expenses on the boarding, lodging and travel of the liaison officer, in connection with the shooting of the film, will be met by the Government of India.
  4. The shooting of the film must be done in the presence of the liaison officer who will ensure that nothing detrimental to the image of India or the Indian people will be shot or included in the film. Should a disagreement arise in this respect, the matter shall be referred to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting whose decision shall be final.
  5. The foreign team must show the complete film to a representative of the Government of India, in India or abroad (i.e. an Indian Mission abroad), before its actual full or partial release anywhere in the world after the film has been recommended by the expert who has scrutinized the script and certified. In case the foreign team desires to show the film to an Indian Mission abroad, the name of the Mission must be specified by the foreign team in advance. No portion of the film, full or partial, should be shown in the open forum without prior approval of the Government of India.
  6. The formal application for permission to shoot in India, indicating, inter-alia, the specific locations for shooting shall be submitted to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. In some cases, prior clearance of the Ministry of Home Affairs for shooting of feature films/ TV reality shows/ serials may also be required. Ministry of I & B will examine the proposal and communicate their clearance to the Indian Missions/ Posts concerned for grant of visa to the foreigners involved. Local permission, wherever required, must be obtained by the filming team from the local authorities. The list of equipments to be temporarily imported in connection with the shooting is required to be submitted to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in advance, who will issue recommendations to the Customs authorities to exempt such temporary import from Customs Duty.
  7. If required, Consulate may seek clearance for the said proposal from the Ministry of External Affairs (XP Division)
  8. If the film is a joint venture (Indo-foreign collaboration), the detailed agreement between the Indian and foreign party shall be furnished to the Government of India for specific clearance.
  9. After the shooting is completed in India, a report giving the details of actual shots taken shall be provided, in duplicate, to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting by the Liaison Officer, in cases where a Liaison Officer has been attached with the filming unit.
  10. An undertaking (in the form given in Appendix. I) will be required to be given to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in case any assistance is sought from any Ministry of Government of India or from any State Government/ UT. Separate agreements, as stipulated by these Ministries will, however, have to be signed with them by the foreign team.

(3) If an applicant who are coming to shoot a feature film/ reality TV show and/ or commercial TV serials in India approval of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for their proposal, grant of Grant of Film Visa (‘F’ Visa) may be considered by Consulate subject to the following conditions:-

  1. A letter of intent regarding the shooting of the film in India, mentioning the production schedule or the dates of shooting, particulars of the cast and crew coming to India for the purpose of the shoot/ production, chosen location, list of filming equipment (if any) that is being brought into the country and other relevant details that will help the competent authority to evaluate the merit of the case, must be made by the foreign company desirous of shooting the film in India to the Indian Mission/ Post located in that country.
  2. The Visa application must have the requisite permission to shoot the feature film for television/ cinema and reality TV show/ commercial TV serials in India from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  3. The visa would be project specific i.e. film specific and while issuing the visa, a specific endorsement may be made on the Visa sticker indicating the name of the project i.e. the film, for which the visa is being issued along with the name of the International Production Company.
  4. The Indian Mission/ Post abroad, where such submission has been made, will issue Film (‘F’) visa for travel to India for the purpose of filming in India. Considering the fact that the cast and crew may be coming from a country which is not the same as that of the Foreign Production Company which is producing the film, the Indian Mission of that respective country may issue the Film Visa to the concerned person. In the case of nationals of China, North Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan and foreign nationals of Pakistan origin, visa will be granted only after prior clearance of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  5. The maximum duration of the Visa will be for one year with multiple entry facility, keeping in view the fact that the film production has many variables in its processes, especially about the people required to come and go, either for the purpose of technical and location recces before finalizing shooting schedules or for the purpose of being on set during production and/ or for any other purpose required to complete the project successfully.
  6. An extension can be granted subject to submission of a letter from the company that sought permission to shoot the film in India, in support of continued activity with regard to the shooting/ production of the film. FRRO/ FRO concerned may grant the extension of visa for a maximum period of 1 year. Application to extend the period of filming must be submitted not later than thirty days before expiry date of fully approved shooting period.
  7. The maximum number of crew for a specific film being shot by an international production company that can be allowed will be 125, unless the project is of such scale that it necessitates the presence of a larger international crew in India which will be allowed on case to case basis. A list of designations of the cast and crew that normally constitute part of a film shoot is at Appendix. II. The Production company requesting for issuance of such visas may be permitted to submit the visa applications in batches depending upon schedules and requirements instead of submission of complete list of crew.
  8. The international cast and crew coming to India on a Film Visa for the film shoot shall be employed by the Foreign company seeking permission to shoot the film in India and the company shall take the responsibility for the cast and crew coming to India for filming. The foreigners coming on Film Visa will have to register himself/ herself with the FRRO/ FRO concerned irrespective of the duration of the Film Visa/ stay of the foreigner in India.
  9. The foreigners being given the Film Visa may need to demonstrate that they have adequate means to support themselves in India and may need to demonstrate that they have incentive to return to their place of residence when the said Visa expires.

Note :

  1. Foreigners being given Film Visa should refrain from commenting on any issues relating to insurgency (if any) in the areas, participating in missionary activities, meeting banned outfits or its overground/ underground functionaries.
  2. They should strictly adhere to the norms and regulations of foreigner’s guidelines during their stay in the country and visit only the areas permitted for their visit. They should not visit any restricted/ protected area or prohibited place (as defined under the Official Secrets Act, 1923) without prior permission of the competent authority.
  3. Money transaction for shooting of film should be done as per RBI guidelines.
  4. No tacit agreement should be made by any foreigner (on Film, Journalist/business/employment visa or otherwise) to engage or open Indian company, registered under ROC or NGOs to involve in film/documentary making, not commensurating with national interest.
  5. There is no change in the procedure for processing of shooting of documentary film/ advertisement film in India by a foreigner and the existing guidelines pertaining to ‘Journalist’ will continue to be applicable

Appendix. I

Form for the undertaking required to be given by the foreign team to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in case any assistance is sought from any Ministry of Government of India or from any State Government/ UT for shooting of feature film/ reality TV show and/ or commercial TV serials


The Secretary,
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India, New Delhi.



With reference to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting’s letter No.......................... dated ....................... we hereby give the following undertakings: -

  1. Shooting of the film will be done in locations in India in accordance with the script as approved by the Government of India. If we consider any material changes are necessary in the script, we shall obtain, the prior approval of the Government of India for such changes.
  2. We shall furnish the detailed particulars of the members of the shooting team and the exact locations where the shooting would take place in India at least one month in advance of the arrival of the team in India. We note that prior approval of the Government of India is necessary for the fixing of locations for shooting in certain areas.
  3. We note that in the case of assistance to be obtained from other Ministries such as Defence, Education etc. separate agreements as stipulated by these Ministries, are required to be signed with them.
  4. We shall shoot the film only in the presence of a Liaison Officer where attached to the team by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  5. We accept that part of the Liaison Officer’s duty will be to ensure that nothing detrimental in the depiction of India or the Indian people shall be shot or included in the film. In the event of any disagreement arising between the team and the Liaison Officer in this respect, the matter will be immediately referred to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting whose decision will be final. We shall ensure that India’s security interests are not compromised in any manner.(vi) We undertake to show our completed film to the representative of the Government of India/ the Indian Mission in*_________________ for scrutiny if recommended by the Ministry of I&B and we further undertake to delete and destroy the portions of the film that may be found objectionable on such scrutiny by the Government of India, before the film is utilized for public exhibition anywhere in the world.
  6. After the shooting of the film is completed in India we shall provide, in duplicate, to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting a narrative report about the details of shooting done in India.

Yours truly,

Appendix. II
List of designations of the cast and crew that normally constitute part of a film shoot

1 Producer
2 Executive Producer
3 Co-Producer
4 Associate Producer
5 Line Producer
6 Unit Production Manager
7 Unit Manager
8 Production Manager
9 Music Director
10 Musician
8 Production Manager
8 Production Manager
11 Director of Photography
12 Film Editor
13 Casting Director
14 Researcher
15 Production Designer
16 Art Director
17 Supervising Art Director
18 Location Manager
19 Key Hair
20 Key Make Up
21 Prosthetic Sculptor
22 Prosthetics Make Up Artist
23 Makeup Assistant
24 First Assistant Director
25 Second Assistant Director
26 Second Second Assistant Director
27 Third Assistant Director
28 Script Supervisor
29 Construction Coordinator
30 Assistant Props
31 Illustrator
32 Scenic Painter
33 Set Designer
34 Set Decoration Production Assistant/ Interpreter
35 Assistant Set Decorator
36 Set Designer
37 Art Coordinator
38 Assistant Graphics Designer
39 Head of Department Construction Rigger
40 Property Master
41 Assistant Art Director
42 Storyboard Artist
43 Head of Department Construction Engineer
44 Scenic Artist
45 Concept Artist
46 Sound Designer/ Supervising Sound Editor
47 Sound Recordist
48 Boom Operator
49 Digital Recordist
50 Additional Engineer
51 Score Mixer/ Score Recordist
52 Gimbal Technician
53 Visual Effects Artist
54 Visual Effects Designer
55 Digital Imaging Specialist
56 Data Wrangler
57 Vfx Editor
58 Systems Programmer
59 Plate Photographer
60 Visual Effects Producer
61 Digital Compositor
62 Sfx Supervisor
63 Sfx Assistant
64 Stunts Director
65 Stunt Coordinator
66 Stunt Assistant
67 Stunt Double
68 Key Grip
69 Grip Boy
70 Rigging Electric
71 Camera Operator
72 Aerial Photographer
73 Clapper & Loader
74 Digital Imaging Technician
75 Gaffer
76 Best Boy
77 Sparks
78 Still Photographer
79 3d Camera Systems Engineer
80 Camera Assistant
81 Dolly Grip
82 Camera Assistant
83 Video Assist
84 Costume Assistant
85 Extra Dresser
86 Costume Assistant
87 Wardrobe Assistant
88 Costume Supervisor
89 Avid Technical Support
90 First Assistant Director
91 Transportation Manager
92 Transportation Assistant
93 Picture Vehicle Coordinator
94 Animal Trainer
95 Animal Wrangler
96 Travel Coordinator
97 Unit Publicist
98 Unit Doctor
99 Paramedic
100 Health & Safety Manager
101 Catering Manager
102 Chef
103 Dialogue Coach
104 Choreographer
105 Key Craft Service
106 Main Cast
107 Secondary Cast
108 Cast – Day Players


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